Giropoma - Imatges web (22)

PICKBEST project, determination of the optimal harvest time to satisfy the consumer and adapt to new preservation technologies

Giropoma Costa Brava S.L., together with Girona Fruits SCCL and Fructícola Empordà S.L; and with the participation of IRTA as a technological center; is working on the determination of the optimal harvest time of yellow “Golden” and red apples of the “Gala” group to satisfy the consumer and to adapt to the new preservation technologies (PICKBEST). The preferences of apple consumers have been changing over time, towards apples with more color and maturity.

To this trend we have to add the emergence of the application of 1-MCP as well as long shelf life preservation with dynamic atmosphere systems.

All these changes create the need to define new pre-harvest and postharvest parameters to obtain apples that adapt to the new consumption trends. The main objective of PICKBEST will respond to this need through the following specific objectives:

  • Establish harvesting parameters that maximize consumer satisfaction under the technical itinerary marked by new technologies.
  • To develop tools and a visual scale of red tone, in the case of “GALA” clones, to determine the optimal harvest time based on the established harvest parameters.

PICKBEST is framed within the aid provided by the Operational Groups of the European Innovation Partnership (EIP) for agricultural productivity and sustainability, financed by the Department of Climate Action, Food and Rural Agenda and by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD).


“Project funded through the Operation 16.01.01 Cooperation for Innovation of the Rural Development Program of Catalonia 2014-2022.”




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