Giropoma attends the 38th Fruit Day organized by the Institute for Agrifood Research and Technology
Giropoma attended the 38th Fruit Day that took place on February 16, 2023 in Tallada d’Empordà, specifically at the Institute for Research and Technology in Agrifood (IRTA) of Mas Badia, the organizing center of the event.
A technical conference aimed at all those interested in apple growing, who are looking for answers and innovations for the production of apples to become sustainable and quality. In addition, part of the information presented is the result of the INIA projects “VUMOC” PID2019-109686RR-100, PECT “Girona, water sensitive region” and the Operational Group “SCABKILL” (Operation 16.01.01 of Cooperation for Innovation of the RDP of Catalonia 2014-2020).
The day was led by Lugui Manfrini from ECOPOM Lab of the University of Bologna with precision fruit growing, from thinning to harvesting and from sensors to robotics, as well as the trends that will mark the coming years. Next, Joaquim Carbó, an expert from IRTA, spoke about the most interesting apple varieties and their vulnerability to heat waves.
Regarding apple irrigation management, Joan Bonany and Jaume Casadesús, experts from IRTA, together with Gerard Arbat from the University of Girona, presented how we have irrigated during 2022 and how we will have to do it in 2023.
Other IRTA experts, Glòria Àvila and Pere Vilardell, spoke about organic fertilization and sustainable agricultural production, respectively. Jordi Cabrefiga, closed the day talking about the strategies to fight against the motejat, alternaria and glomerella in the context of reduction of phytosanitary products.
An event with more than 160 attendees, which also featured an exhibition of the most interesting apple varieties.