Giropoma participates again in the solidarity initiative Gala Pro Baix Ter

For the fourth consecutive year, Giropoma has organized together with the Auditorium Theater Espai Ter (Torroella de Montgrí) the IV Gala Pro Baix Ter 2024, which was held last Sunday, May 26 at its facilities. The solidarity initiative aims to support and raise funds for projects of social interest in the Baix Ter.

In this year’s edition, the funds raised will again be used to carry out improvement projects in the school environments of the 7 nursery and primary schools of Baix Ter.

The kick-off of the Gala coincided with the II Festival of the AFA of Baix Ter, which was held in front of the auditorium with an open day and workshops and outdoor activities. In addition, it was also possible to buy Giropoma‘s solidarity cakes and apples to collaborate with the initiative.

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Then, the celebration continued inside with the show of Dàmaris Gelabert, with her farewell tour after 25 years on stage, accompanied by The Grow Up Singing Band and a group of young dancers. A review of her extensive career and a reunion with fans who have grown up listening and singing her songs, as well as those who have recently begun to enjoy them.

David Casadellà, president of the apple producer and marketer, believes that this initiative is fully in line with Giropoma‘s values. “The values that define us are the defense of the territory and the rural environment and proximity. We are proud to promote projects that contribute to improving the quality of life of people and the landscape of the Baix Ter area”.

After a first edition in 2021, where the collection was directed to the residences of elderly people, a second in 2022, where the funds collected went to the ADF Montgrí and Puig Segalar, and a third in 2023 in which the results obtained were released entirely to the Associations of Families of Pupils of the 7 nursery and primary schools of Baix Ter, this fourth has also been dedicated to the AFA of Baix Ter.

One more year, Giropoma joins the solidarity initiative of the Gala Pro Baix Ter, which will take place on May 26th

For the fourth consecutive year, Giropoma, together with the Espai Ter Theater Auditorium, collaborates in the organization of the IV Gala Pro Baix Ter 2024, the solidarity initiative that aims to support organizations that are actively working to improve both the quality of life of people and the landscape in the Baix Ter area.

This fourth edition will be held on Sunday May 26 at the Auditorium Theatre Espai Ter (Torroella de Montgrí). It will be dedicated again to collect funds for the Associations of Families of Students of the 7 nursery and primary schools in the Baix Ter.

The beneficiary schools will be again those of Guillem de Montgrí and San Gabriel de Torroella de Montgrí, Portitxol del Estartit, Puig Redondo de Ullà, El Rajaret de Bellcaire d’Empordà, La Rama de Albons and Francesc Cambó de Verges, which will receive the proceeds to carry out improvement projects in their school environments.

The event will start at 17:00 h with the II Festival of the AFA of Baix Ter, an open day where each school will conduct various workshops and outdoor activities in front of the auditorium. There will also be the opportunity to collaborate by buying apples Giropoma solidarity.

From 6:30 pm, the celebration will continue indoors with the show by Dàmaris Gelabert, with her farewell tour after 25 years on stage, accompanied by The Grow Up Singing Band and a group of young dancers. A review of her extensive career and a reunion with fans who have grown up listening and singing her songs, as well as those who have recently begun to enjoy them. All this accompanied by The Grow Up Singing Band, formed by the children of Dàmaris and Àlex, Leia (Laia Martínez) and Adri (Adrià Martínez), and Gloria (Glòria Maurel) and Julen (Julen Gerrikabeitia). In addition, there will be a dance group made up of Max and Marc, two talented dancers who have demonstrated their ability in shows such as Billy Elliot, along with Yaïza, who at the age of six won her first Danzo World Cup Spain 2019 competition. Also participating will be Clara Martinez, choreographer of the show, and French dancer Gaetan Farnier, both tap specialists.

The price of the Gala is 20 € for general admission and 5 € for children under 12 years, which will go entirely to the Associations of Families of Students of kindergarten and primary schools in the Baix Ter. Tickets are already on sale on the website of the Auditorium Theatre Espai Ter.

Giropoma attends the 39th Fruit Day organized by the Institute of Agri-Food Research and Technology

On Thursday, February 22, 2024, Giropoma attended the 39th Fruit Day, organized annually by the Institute of Agrifood Research and Technology (IRTA) at Mas Badia in Tallada d’Empordà. A meeting point to address the challenges and responsibilities that fall on farmers and how to produce food, as well as to learn about various tools to move towards a more efficient and sustainable apple production system.

During the technical day, aspects of plant material, varieties, rootstocks, thinning, harvesting, pests and fungicide treatment management, among others, were discussed. In addition, part of the information presented is the result of the INIA projects “VUMOC” PID2019-109686RR-100, the demonstration activity “DEMO FRUITSCAN” and the Operational Groups SKABKILL and PICKBEST (Operation 16.01.01 of Cooperation for Innovation of the Rural Development Program of Catalonia 2014-2022).

The session was led by Joaquim Carbó and Jaume Lordan, both experts from IRTA, with a commented presentation on the most interesting apple varieties. Next, Stefano Musacchi, guest expert from Washington State University, spoke about the Geneva series rootstocks in the state of Washington.

Regarding the new tools for flower and fruit thinning, Luis González, expert from IRTA, together with others, Glòria Àvila and Adriana Escudero, spoke about which are the ideal Golden and Gala apples for the consumer and how to get them, as well as several tools to control the bernat marbrejat (Halyomorpha halys) in apple trees, respectively.

To close the day, Jordi Cabrefiga from IRTA, presented several strategies to deal with flecking, alternate and glomerella.

About a hundred people interested in apple growing gathered at this event to continue working on a sustainable and quality apple production.

Fruit Logistica in Berlin, the reference fair of the fruit and vegetable sector and innovation where Giropoma has attended

From 7 to 9 February 2024, Giropoma has participated in the Fruit Logistica Fair in Berlin. For more than 15 years the company has been present at the world event of the fruit and vegetable sector, an ideal space to strengthen relationships with customers, create synergies and business connections and share opinions.

Innovation is the essence of this world leading fair, which annually brings together the fruit and vegetable sector throughout its value chain, from the producer to the point of sale, including the product, machinery, technology, logistics, automation and digitization, among others.

This year’s edition, under the theme “The heartbeat of the Fresh Produce Business“, showcased more innovative products and solutions. Intelligent agricultural machinery and irrigation systems or fruit varieties resistant to common diseases, were some of the innovations that have been highlighted at this year’s fair.

Giropoma, within the stand of the Protected Geographical Indication Poma de Girona, made available to the attendees corporate information and a sample of the main formats that are marketed. The director, Àlex Creixell, as well as members of the company’s sales team could also be found there. “We have been coming to Fruit Logistica for many years to show our product, with the PGI Poma de Girona, which at the European level has a very important recognition of quality,” shared Creixell.

As for this year’s participation, the figures have been higher than the previous year, since it has been characterized by an increase in exhibition space. This year 2024 has broken a new record with more than 2,770 exhibitors from 94 countries from all continents and more than 66,000 visitors from 145 countries around the world.

This very positive trend in figures shows the increased interest in the sector and high expectations for the next edition, which will take place from February 5 to 7, 2025.

Giropoma attends the 23rd edition of POMATEC 2023, the Technical-Economic Apple Conference

Giropoma has attended the 23rd edition of POMATEC 2023 that took place on November 24, 2023 at the Montgrí Cinema in Torroella de Montgrí. This is the Technical-Economic Day of the Apple, organized annually by AFRUCAT, the City Council of Torroella de Montgrí and the Protected Geographical Indication Apple of Girona. A session aimed at all those interested in the cultivation of apple trees.

The inauguration of the day was led by Jordi Colomí, mayor of Torroella de Montgrí; Montsé Barón, president of Afrucat; and representatives of the Diputació de Girona and the Department of Climate Action, Food and Rural Agenda (DACC).

Then, one of the responsible of the DACC, spoke about the construction and rehabilitation of housing for farm workers and the plant in Catalonia, exposing their requirements and the regulations applicable to housing, aid and examples of housing of the company Modulaya. Then, Philipe Binard, president of Freshfel, shared with all attendees the update of the European apple crop forecasts for this summer.

After the break, Sara Ruiz, head of the Afrucat Market Surveillance Department, showed an infolinear of the evolution of the selling price of apples in Spain from 2015 to the present. Then began the round table on the marketing of apples in the European Union, moderated by Manel Simon, general director of Afrucat, where several representatives of the French and Italian production, and from different areas of the Spanish State participated.

Finally, Javier Sirvent, Technology Evangelist, spoke about Artificial Intelligence in the company and its use.

A day framed in the 629th Fair of San Andreu de Torroella de Montgrí, one of the oldest in Catalonia, structured as a true multisectoral fair, with numerous complementary events to the commercial, agricultural and livestock show, to reinforce its recreational and cultural style.

Giropoma technicians, producers and sales representatives attended on behalf of the company.

About Afrucat and Giropoma

Afrucat, one of the organizers of the conference, is the Fruit Business Association of Catalonia, whose mission is to defend the viability and future of Catalan fruit companies and the population that depends on them; to promote the exchange of information, technology transfer and agricultural advice; to support innovation, internationalization and territorial differentiation of production; and to promote fruit consumption among society and knowledge of market demands. It works with the vision of promoting Catalan fruit growing towards the leadership of global fruit growing and to become an international reference in fruit markets.

Giropoma is one of the associates of this entity, which provides its members with different services -such as, for example, advice, staff recruitment, etc., monitoring tools and materials -forecasts, indicators, protocols, etc., and dissemination and marketing actions -presence in fairs and conferences, as well as dissemination of campaigns, etc.

Photo: City Council of Torroella de Montgrí

Giropoma collaborates once again this year in the solidarity initiative Gala Pro Baix Ter 2023

For the third consecutive year, Giropoma has collaborated in the organization of the III Gala Pro Baix Ter 2023, together with the Auditorium Theater Espai Ter (Torroella de Montgrí), which took place last Saturday September 30 at its facilities. It is a solidarity initiative that aims to support and raise funds for projects of social interest, as well as contribute to improving the quality of life of people and the landscape of the Baix Ter. This third edition has been dedicated to raise funds for the Associations of Families of Students of the 7 schools of kindergarten and primary education of the Baix Ter.

Each of the schools will use the proceeds to carry out improvement projects in their centers. In the case of AFA Guillem de Montgrí, will label the vegetation of the playground; AFA San Gabriel, will incorporate an awning for sun protection; AFA Portitxol, will invest it in psychomotor material; AFA Puig Redondo, will expand the library material and carry out improvements to the playground; AFA Lo Rejaret, will invest it in the playground project; AFA La Rama, will invest it in the realization of an inclusive playground; and AFA Francesc Cambó, will invest it in the library project.

The celebration began at 5:30 pm with the I Festival of the AFA of Baix Ter, an open day where each school proposed various workshops and activities outside the auditorium, and solidarity apples of Giropoma could be purchased.

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From 8:00 pm, the gala continued inside with the musical proposal “Women of Rock”. A review of the history of rock from the female side, where we could see how women have had a much more relevant role than the great pop artists. “The Women of Rock” showed us all styles, eras and geographies, from the blues of the 40s to the electronic music of today.


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Antoni Roviras, director of the Auditorium Theater Espai Ter, considers that the III Gala Pro Baix Ter has allowed them to reach the whole territory of Baix Ter through the 7 Associations of Families of Students: “It has been a major organizational challenge, but the assessment we make is very positive, since it has demonstrated the usefulness of the event to make improvements that benefit the whole of society”.

In addition, Roviras highlights the complicity in the work with the AFA: “It has been a very important learning, which has made us see the work capacity and mobilization of people in the territory of Baix Ter. From the work of the gala a new event has emerged, the I Festival of the AFA of Baix Ter, with the intention of doing it annually and to be a call to strengthen these associations that in a voluntary way work for the improvement of the centers”.

After a first edition in 2021, where the collection was directed to the residences of elderly people, and a second in 2022, where the funds collected were destined to the ADF Montgrí and Puig Segalar, this has been accompanied by very positive results that will be released in full to the Associations of Families of Students of the 7 schools of kindergarten and primary education mentioned above.

Giropoma attends the Summer Fruit Day organized by the Institute of Agrifood Research and Technology

Giropoma has attended the Summer Fruit Day that took place on August 3, 2023 at the Institute of Agri-Food Research and Technology (IRTA) Mas Badia in Tallada d’Empordà. A technical conference organized by the reference institute of the agri-food sector in Catalonia to kick off the harvest of Gala apples.

In this edition, several innovation topics were discussed, the novelties in relation to Gala apple selections, tree conduction systems and the state of pests and diseases.

In addition, part of the information presented was the result of the “DEMO GALA CLONES”, “DEMO FRUITSCAN” and “DEMO TRAINING SYSTEMS” demonstrations, innovative activities that test the viability or operation, under real conditions, of production systems, technologies and organizational systems that can represent a substantial improvement in the competitiveness or environmental sustainability of agricultural, livestock or forestry farms, the agri-food industry or food handicraft activities, and the “PICKBEST” and “POMELIFE” Operational Groups, associations of several partners with common interests around a specific and practical innovation project.

The day began with his presentation and continued with a tour of the field stations. The tour began with the “Demo Gala: new selections of the Gala variety and harvesting protocols for quality improvement” and the “Demo training systems in apple trees: walls and multi-axis“, with Joaquim Carbó and Jaume Lordan, experts from IRTA.

Next, other IRTA experts, Adriana Escudero, Pere Vilardell and Jordi Cabrefiga, spoke about the current situation of Halyomorpha halys or bernat mabrejat in Girona, an insect of Asian origin that has become a pest that mainly affects fruit trees, ornamentals, horticultural and extensive crops, and the status of Glomerella, a fungal plant pathogen that causes fruit rot diseases.

Then, Miguel Ángel Fuentes from NATURA Montfred presented the first results of the Operational Group “GO PomeLife: renaturation in apple tree plantations“, and Glòria Àvila, expert from IRTA, those of “GO Pickbest: the Golden best harvested“.

Finally, the companies Green Atlas and Agerpix showed artificial vision technologies for the management of thinning and crop estimation in fruit plantations, and Spedo, Niubó and Industrias David, the latest tools for mechanical weeding.

A day with more than 140 attendees that marks the beginning of the 2023 campaign. “It is a day of reference, and without a doubt, the expectations of the participants are always met. The main companies and professionals in the fruit sector in Girona and the rest of Catalonia attend, with the aim of keeping up to date with new developments, assessing problems…. And, therefore, it is a good time to weave synergies, share impressions and promote relationships with other professionals in the sector and IRTA experts,” shares Àlex Riuró, head of the Quality, Occupational Risk Prevention and Human Resources department at Giropoma.

Giropoma collaborates one more year in the solidarity initiative Gala Pro Baix Ter that will take place on September 30th

For the third consecutive year, Giropoma, together with the Auditori Teatre Espai Ter, collaborates in the organization of the III Gala Pro Baix Ter 2023, a solidarity initiative that aims to support and raise funds for projects of social interest of the Baix Ter.

This third edition, which will take place on Saturday September 30, 2023 at the Auditori Teatre Espai Ter (Torroella de Montgrí), will be dedicated to raising funds for the Associations of Families of Students of the 7 nursery and primary schools of Baix Ter.

The schools Guillem de Montgrí and Sant Gabriel in Torroella de Montgrí, Portitxol in Estartit, Puig Rodó in Ullà, El Rajaret in Bellcaire d’Empordà, La Branca in Albons and Francesc Cambó in Verges will receive the total collection to carry out improvement projects in their schools.

The celebration will begin at 5:30 p.m. with the I Festival of the AFA of Baix Ter, an open day where each school will propose various workshops and activities outside the auditorium, and solidarity apples from Giropoma will be available for purchase.

From 20:00 h, the Gala will continue inside with the musical proposal “Women of Rock“. A review of the history of rock from the female side, where we will see how women have had a much more important role than the great pop artists, and we will know the role of some of them, such as Billie Hollyday, Wanda Jackson, Tina Turner, Patti Smith, Janis Joplin, Grace Slick, Amy Winehouse … “Women of Rock” will show us all styles, eras and geographies, from the blues of the 40s to the electronics of today.

The price of the Gala is 20 € for general admission and 5 € for children under 12 years, which will go entirely to the Associations of Families of Pupils of kindergarten and primary schools in the Baix Ter. Tickets are already on sale on the website of the Auditori Teatre Espai Ter.

Giropoma attends the 38th Fruit Day organized by the Institute for Agrifood Research and Technology

Giropoma attended the 38th Fruit Day that took place on February 16, 2023 in Tallada d’Empordà, specifically at the Institute for Research and Technology in Agrifood (IRTA) of Mas Badia, the organizing center of the event.

A technical conference aimed at all those interested in apple growing, who are looking for answers and innovations for the production of apples to become sustainable and quality. In addition, part of the information presented is the result of the INIA projects “VUMOC” PID2019-109686RR-100, PECT “Girona, water sensitive region” and the Operational Group “SCABKILL” (Operation 16.01.01 of Cooperation for Innovation of the RDP of Catalonia 2014-2020).

The day was led by Lugui Manfrini from ECOPOM Lab of the University of Bologna with precision fruit growing, from thinning to harvesting and from sensors to robotics, as well as the trends that will mark the coming years. Next, Joaquim Carbó, an expert from IRTA, spoke about the most interesting apple varieties and their vulnerability to heat waves.

Regarding apple irrigation management, Joan Bonany and Jaume Casadesús, experts from IRTA, together with Gerard Arbat from the University of Girona, presented how we have irrigated during 2022 and how we will have to do it in 2023.

Other IRTA experts, Glòria Àvila and Pere Vilardell, spoke about organic fertilization and sustainable agricultural production, respectively. Jordi Cabrefiga, closed the day talking about the strategies to fight against the motejat, alternaria and glomerella in the context of reduction of phytosanitary products.

An event with more than 160 attendees, which also featured an exhibition of the most interesting apple varieties.

Giropoma participates in Fruit Logistica in Berlin, the world’s leading trade fair for the international fresh produce business

One more year, Giropoma has participated in the Fruit Logisitca 2023 Fair that took place from 8 to 10 February 2023 in Berlin. For more than 15 years the company has been present at the world’s leading trade fair for the international fresh produce business, an ideal opportunity to strengthen relationships with customers, share impressions and establish contact with key target groups at the decision-making level.

Fruit Logisitca is the main stage for the latest innovations and encompasses all areas of the fresh produce business, from logistics, machinery, technical systems, technology, among others. A fair that occupies more than 110,000 m² bringing together the entire spectrum of the fruit and vegetable sector under the motto “All in One”.

Giropoma’s space was located within the stand of the Protected Geographical Indication Poma de Girona, together with other companies that also take part, each of them with their own section. At the Giropoma stand, the fair attendees could find corporate information and a sample of the main formats marketed. The director, Àlex Creixell, and members of the Giropoma sales team were also present at the stand.

This successful edition brought together 2,600 exhibitors from 92 countries and more than 70,000 comparators and professional visitors from over 135 countries around the world, closing with very positive figures that indicate an increased interest in the sector.

This 2023, the fair has celebrated its 30th birthday, marked by innovation, and with high expectations for the next edition, which will take place from February 7 to 9, 2024.