Fresnack: the healthy fruit snack








Giropoma Costa Brava S.L, together with Girona Fruits SCCL, Actel SCCL and Frit Ravich SL, and with the participation of IRTA as an external collaborator, is working on the creation of a healthy Snack of fresh fruit (apple, pear and peach) using a technologically innovative process in terms of fruit drying.

This collaboration has been set up within the framework of the financial support by the Operational Groups from the European Association for Innovation (AEI) in agricultural productivity and sustainability, funded by the FEADER fund and the Departament d’Agricultura Ramaderia i Pesca (ARP/96/2016 of 27th of April)

Giropoma Costa Brava S.L is a beneficiary member of the project and contributes with the apple variety Golden Delicious which is especially recognized for its production and quality, being a well-known variety within the IGP of Poma de Girona.

At the same time, we also actively participate in project monitoring meetings which are held periodically, and in the decision-making based on the sensory properties of the product obtained both with our apple (Golden Delicious) and with the rest of the varieties tested. Giropoma Costa Brava S.L. will carry out different dissemination actions to publicise the main results obtained in this innovation project.

Fruit3CAT Nuevas variedades de Frutos resistentes a las enfermedades y de alta cualidad organoléptica

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GIROPOMA COSTA BRAVA S.L. participa en el proyecto Fruit3CAT(expediente COMRDI16-0036), para la obtención de nuevas variedades de fruta (manzana, pera y melocotón) resistentes a plagas y enfermedades con alto impacto económico en las zonas frutícolas de Cataluña, de alta calidad gustativa para los consumidores y más adaptadas a les previsibles condiciones de cambio climático con  elevadas temperaturas.

Este proyecto busca obtener una reducción de costes de producción al disponer de variedades adaptadas y altamente productivas.

Minimizar el uso de fitosanitarios i posibilitar explotaciones viables, a pesar de la presencia de patógenos.

Mejora de la competitividad al disponer de fruta de alta calidad sensorial y buena capacidad de conservación.

Este proyecto ha estado financiado por el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional de la Unión Europea en el marco del Programa operativo FEDER de Cataluña 2014-2020.