Giropoma favours biodiversity in the field for sustainable pest control

The coexistence of the greatest number of species in the same place and maintaining the balance of the ecosystem are key objectives in Giropoma‘s production. The company places special emphasis on favouring biodiversity in the field and activating useful fauna for sustainable crop growth. In this sense, the company seeks to create habitats through the development of various populations in nest boxes, insect hotels or with the conservation of trees and margins around the farms, as well as with the availability of water and the maintenance of grass between rows with a diversity of flowers. These techniques succeed in creating comfortable elements and environments for species to feed, establish refuges and reproduce.
‘These methods allow us to control the increase in pests or even bring them down to levels that do not cause damage to crops. In addition, there are species that can feed on this pest and this generates an increase in the population and, at the same time, benefits’, emphasises Cèsar Saiz, technical director of Giropoma.
All Giropoma’s fields follow the principles of the Catalan Council for Integrated Production (CCPI), choosing measures that aim to promote biodiversity -such as the installation of refuges-, the establishment of ecological compensation zones or the maintenance of the vegetation cover of the soil. Integrated production is the best system for crop protection and the basis for sustainable crop growth and pesticide risk reduction. The corporation points out that in growers’ fields there is often a large number of useful fauna, such as ladybirds, which help against pests. In addition, the CICC knows in which plots of land the products obtained following these criteria have been cultivated and what actions have been carried out in each plantation. ‘These practices are a further aid to successful production. However, they are not infallible methods and require observation of what is happening with biodiversity throughout the year,’ Saiz stresses.

Giropoma is one of the producers of the Catalan Council that since 2018 has implemented an irrigation system based on soil moisture sensors distributed throughout the production area, which through the data extracted – indicating the humidity and water available for the apple trees – and the weather forecast, allows them to give irrigation recommendations to minimise water consumption, control its correct distribution and the suitability of the means used.

In addition, the Catalan Council of Integrated Production contracts the control entities, accredited by the Spanish National Accreditation Entity (ENAC) in compliance with the EN-17.065 standard, to guarantee the monitoring of these standards. Giropoma is certified by the CCPI, so all the company’s products comply with the technical standards and regulations in force governing this agricultural production. In this line, Giropoma’s aim is to offer healthy, high quality apples, always following the values that define the company: the defence of the territory and the rural environment, respect for the environment, proximity, commitment and a commitment to people.

POMELIFE project, renaturalization and promotion of biodiversity in apple tree plantations in Girona

Giropoma Costa Brava SL, together with Girona Fruits SCCL and Fructícola Empordà SL; and with the participation of IRTA as a technological center; is working on the renaturalization and promotion of biodiversity in apple tree plantations in Girona (POMELIFE). The intensification of agricultural practices leads to an increase in the productivity of farms, even so, it causes an alteration of the landscape and a decrease in biodiversity in agrosystems, favoring the appearance of pests.

For this reason, the main objective of POMELIFE is to define a design for apple tree plantations to make agricultural activity compatible with the conservation and promotion of biodiversity. This new plantation design will balance the ecosystem by helping to control pests and reduce the use of phytosanitary products.

POMELIFE is framed within the aid provided by the Operational Groups of the European Innovation Partnership (EIP) for agricultural productivity and sustainability, financed by the Department of Climate Action, Food and Rural Agenda and by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD).


“Project funded through the Operation 16.01.01 Cooperation for Innovation of the Rural Development Program of Catalonia 2014-2022.”




Giropoma attends the 38th Fruit Day organized by the Institute for Agrifood Research and Technology

Giropoma attended the 38th Fruit Day that took place on February 16, 2023 in Tallada d’Empordà, specifically at the Institute for Research and Technology in Agrifood (IRTA) of Mas Badia, the organizing center of the event.

A technical conference aimed at all those interested in apple growing, who are looking for answers and innovations for the production of apples to become sustainable and quality. In addition, part of the information presented is the result of the INIA projects “VUMOC” PID2019-109686RR-100, PECT “Girona, water sensitive region” and the Operational Group “SCABKILL” (Operation 16.01.01 of Cooperation for Innovation of the RDP of Catalonia 2014-2020).

The day was led by Lugui Manfrini from ECOPOM Lab of the University of Bologna with precision fruit growing, from thinning to harvesting and from sensors to robotics, as well as the trends that will mark the coming years. Next, Joaquim Carbó, an expert from IRTA, spoke about the most interesting apple varieties and their vulnerability to heat waves.

Regarding apple irrigation management, Joan Bonany and Jaume Casadesús, experts from IRTA, together with Gerard Arbat from the University of Girona, presented how we have irrigated during 2022 and how we will have to do it in 2023.

Other IRTA experts, Glòria Àvila and Pere Vilardell, spoke about organic fertilization and sustainable agricultural production, respectively. Jordi Cabrefiga, closed the day talking about the strategies to fight against the motejat, alternaria and glomerella in the context of reduction of phytosanitary products.

An event with more than 160 attendees, which also featured an exhibition of the most interesting apple varieties.

Giropoma’s integrated production guarantees a sustainable and environmentally friendly agriculture

All apple trees of Giropoma’s producer-partners are grown following the principles of integrated production. We understand this type of production as an agricultural production model of high quality food that uses natural methods and means of regulation, respectful with the environment and human health, guaranteeing a sustainable agriculture in the long term.

Currently, in Catalonia, 38.451,51 hectares are under integrated production, of which 3.095,80 are in Girona, according to the statistics of integrated production in Catalonia in 2022, published by the Catalan Council of Integrated Production, the entity that works to ensure an integrated production model of quality through methods that respect human health and the environment in Catalonia.

Regarding seed fruit, we detected 5.772,17, of which 2.387,87 are in Girona, positioning it as the second demarcation, after Lleida, with more hectares of seed fruit cultivation produced following the principles of integrated production.

Regarding apple trees, 3.440,43 hectares are destined to this agricultural system, of which 2.384,71 are produced in the Girona area and 1.055,72 in the Lleida area.

In Giropoma, we are certified by the Catalan Council of Integrated Production and, therefore, all our products follow the technical standards and regulations in force that regulate this agricultural production.

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The ladybug is the logo that identifies the products of integrated production, certified by the Catalan Council of Integrated Production and is for the exclusive use of producer operators.

One of our main objectives is to obtain high quality products, as well as to guarantee the health of the producer and consumer. Our commitment is to prioritize biological control methods, reducing the use of chemical products; to favor biodiversity in the field to face possible pests; to minimize water consumption through specific irrigation systems; to guarantee traceability from the field to the client or consumer and to reduce waste.

At Giropoma we work to offer good products, always following the values that define us: the defense of the territory, respect for the environment, proximity, commitment and commitment to people.